CGCookie – Animating a Flame with Grease Pencil (Premium)


CGCookie – Animating a Flame with Grease Pencil

CGCookie – Animating a Flame with Grease Pencil   Free Download Latest . It is of   CGCookie – Animating a Flame with Grease Pencil   free download.

CGCookie – Animating a Flame with Grease Pencil   Overview

In this Grease Pencil mini-course we will be hand animating some 2D cartoon fire! To help ourselves out, we will start by setting up a particle system that will assist us with our flame.Then we start drawing and manually loop our fire using some animation principals which will make it burn like an eternal flame. We will use some of the FX modifiers to make our fire glow and add some cartoon smoke.


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