CGCookie – Basemesh | Create Stylized Characters Quickly With Blender (Premium)


CGCookie – Basemesh | Create Stylized Characters Quickly With Blender

CGCookie – Basemesh | Create Stylized Characters Quickly With Blender   Free Download Latest . It is of  CGCookie – Basemesh | Create Stylized Characters Quickly With Blender   free download.

CGCookie – Basemesh | Create Stylized Characters Quickly With Blender   Overview

By the end of this course’s 5+ hour run time, you should have a good understanding of:

Creating unique character clothing and accessories
Easy and efficient modeling techniques
Adding details to refine your models
Various texturing methods including vertex colors, image decals and procedural textures
Utilizing multiple UV maps
Setting up rich, appealing materials
Reliable studio lighting
Geometry Node hair growing and grooming


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