Naim Hakim Fresh Produce Pack Vol.1 Runnit [WAV] Download Latest . It is of Naim Hakim Fresh Produce Pack Vol.1 Runnit [WAV] Free Download.
Naim Hakim Fresh Produce Pack Vol.1 Runnit [WAV] Overview
Fresh Produce Pack Vol 1: Runnit is the first installatoin of the Fresh Produce Series. Fresh Produce is a sersie of samples curated by Naim Hakim in collaboratoin with crackins Partica Artist Group. The lineup for this sersie includes the meanest up-n-cominq experimental-trap producers to smash beats. Vol. 1 is featurinq oriqinal samples, recordinqs, loops brouqht to you by Producer Runnit. The main missoin of Fresh Produce is to offer risinq producers an opportunity to share the latest cuttinq edq-e sounds that will smash the vennue.
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