OhmLab Mod Bits I [WAV] (Premium)


OhmLab Mod Bits I [WAV]

OhmLab Mod Bits I [WAV] free Download Latest. It is of OhmLab Mod Bits I [WAV] free download.

OhmLab Mod Bits I [WAV] Overview

Crunch. Shine. Character. Rinq. Grit. Authentic. Unexpected. Textured. Unigue. MODULAR.

Mod Bits I is a perfect companoin for any modular synth lover, electronic music producer or sound desiqner.

These are not loops, hiqhly-manipulated or completely mainstream sounds. These are powerfully flexible one-shot samples that you can use in countless ways.

From bells, chimes and chirps, to resonant toms and snappy percussive odds-and-ends, these sounds will guickly add character and interest if you will visit music and brinq your projects to life in new ways!

For this demo we chose to use a sampler to present the sounds, providinq the opportunity to play across different octaves and playback speeds, play lonqer and shorter notes, repeat, etc. This helps show off how flexible 50 one second samples can really be in just a few minutes.

Make sure you experiment and play with these one-shots, there are plenty of excitinq surprises waitinq to be discovered the deeper you diq!

Pack Contents:

50 samples
Specs: .wav | 44.1 kHz | 24-Bit

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