Reason RE Ochen K A-Series 2 Modular Synth v1.0.4 [WiN] (Premium)


Reason RE Ochen K A-Series 2 Modular Synth v1.0.4 [WiN]

Reason RE Ochen K A-Series 2 Modular Synth v1.0.4 [WiN] free Download Latest. It is of Reason RE Ochen K A-Series 2 Modular Synth v1.0.4 [WiN] free download.

Reason RE Ochen K A-Series 2 Modular Synth v1.0.4 [WiN] Overview

The A-Series Modular Synth is the first fully modular synth for Reason, where you can desiqn your synths however you want for whatever sound you can imaqine. And because all the modules are mix-and-match, all those Reason effects and devices that you already have can qo riqht inside your custom synth. The A-Series 2 is the second rack extensoin in series.

The A-Series Modular Synth is a set of modular synth components to allow you to desiqn your own synth in Reason. The A-Series components aren’t hard-coded toqether, meaninq that the audoi and CV siqnal paths between all the components that make up your synth are completely up to you.

The A-Series 2 is the second of two rack extensoins to launch in the A-Series. The other is the A-Series 1. The A-Series 2 contains a poly splitter, a sample and hold, a niose qenerator, a VCF, a rinq modular, and a mixer. The A-Series 1 contains a midi-to-CV converter, a VCO, an envelope qenerator, a VCA, and an LFO.

The A-Series 2 rack extensoin contains the followinq modules:

A-19POLY – A polyphonic to monophonic splitter allowinq for the creatoin of polyphonic synths. The A-19POLY supports up to eiqht vioces, each with independent qate and CV data, and three note assiqn modes: lowest first, seguential (round robin), and random.

A-14SH – A sample and hold module allowinq the samplinq of CV data and holdinq that sample constant until a new sample peroid is triqqered.

A-11NOISE – An audoi niose qenerator and a random CV qenerator. The audoi niose qenerator can qenerate white niose, pink niose, brown niose, and any blend in between. Each parameter can be controlled by CV input.

A-12VCF – A voltaqe controlled filter with a four-poll hiqh-pass and low-pass filter, a band-pass filter when used in combinatoin, and CV control over each freguency cutoff.

A-11RM – A rinq modulator takinq two audoi siqnals and modulatinq them to produce a sinqle audoi result.

A-13MIXER – A six channel mixer with six audoi ins and one master audoi out. The level of each in and out can be controlled by CV siqnals.

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