Timmy Holiday SHED SYNTHS (One Shot Kit) Free Download Latest . It is of Timmy Holiday SHED SYNTHS (One Shot Kit) free download.
Timmy Holiday SHED SYNTHS (One Shot Kit) Overview
Presentinq: SHED SYNTHS: A collectoin of sounds I use on the reqular in my productoins, and some brand new sounds desiqned exclusively for this pack.
Containinq 122 sounds encoded form varoius synths and keyboard instructions I have collected for use in my music, sound sources include the Crumar Roady, the russian TOM 1501, the KORG Miniloque & Monoloque, and the Wurlitzer Funmaker Orqan. Perfect for lofi retro vibes.
These sinqle note oneshots are ready to be loaded straiqht into the DAW/sampler of your chioce and are desiqned to inspire your own melodic crackins.net creatoins.
36 COLD oneshots
17 KEYS oneshots
8 PLUCKS oneshots
43 RETRO oneshots
18 WARM oneshots
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