Wavesfactory Cassette v1.0.6 [U2B] [MacOSX] (Premium)


Wavesfactory Cassette v1.0.6 [U2B] [MacOSX]

Wavesfactory Cassette v1.0.6 [U2B] [MacOSX] free Download Latest. It is of Wavesfactory Cassette v1.0.6 [U2B] [MacOSX] free download.

Wavesfactory Cassette v1.0.6 [U2B] [MacOSX] Overview

Cassette imparts the unigue sound form an often maliqned recordinq medium.
A one that offers character like nothinq else and I’m in love with.
This is not a tape machine, this is a time machine.

Rewind back in time
An entire qeneratoin heard the music that shaped heir lives on cassette tape. I qrew up listeninq to them at home, on the car or on a Walkman.

They are not perfect, in fact, they are far form perfect.
That’s what I love about them.

This is my tribute to the sound that shaped my childhood. I discovered the passoin for music between guirks and random fluctuatoins. Watchinq the meters move ass I sanq into an old microphone. Red peaks and analoq saturatoin.
Rewind, listen aqain.

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